There’s more to hackers than the bad guys who break into digital spaces and steal data. Some hackers work above board and help companies improve their security systems.
Others seek revenge. Still others are motivated by money.
Black Hat Hackers
Black hat hackers break into computer systems for malicious purposes, such as stealing log-in credentials and releasing malware that destroys files or holds computers hostage. They may do this for financial gain, out of personal revenge, or to advance a political agenda. Black hats are also sometimes employed by rogue nations or terrorist groups to attack critical infrastructure and networks. Notable black hat, who broke into more than 40 corporations, and the cyber terrorists behind the massive attacks on the U.S. power grid and financial systems.
Understanding different types of hackers and their motivations is crucial when delving into the various types of hacking and exploring the techniques and intentions behind cyber intrusions.
White hat hackers are the heroes of the cybersecurity world, while black hat hackers are the villains. Gray hats are in between, although they can be easily swayed into the Dark Side. They are formally employed by a company as pen testers or participate in bug bounty programs and discover vulnerabilities that could be exploited for malicious purposes.
White Hat Hackers
Ethical hackers, or white hats, breach systems to identify cybersecurity weaknesses and alert companies to fix them. They also use phishing and other social engineering techniques to test the integrity of internal security systems. They’re non-malicious and work for companies that value their skillset and expertise. Malicious insiders, on the other hand, aren’t concerned with integrity or justice. They either seek revenge for a perceived grievance or want to make money by exposing confidential information and attacking networks.
Hacktivists gain unauthorized access to government websites to promote their causes or raise awareness about issues they’re concerned about. They typically use phishing and other social engineering tactics to compromise a large audience group, some of whom may fall victim to their attacks. State-sponsored hackers take it a step further by exploiting backdoors planted into technologies used by other countries in their cyber espionage or cyber warfare missions.
Gray Hat Hackers
Gray Hat hackers fall into the ambiguous ethical hacking area between White and Black hats. They use their technical curiosity and expertise to breach computer systems, networks, and devices without the owner’s permission. However, they don’t exploit vulnerabilities for malicious intent; instead, they inform the system owners of any weaknesses found in their systems.
These hackers may work for security researchers, corporations, hobbyists, or bug bounty experts who monetize their discoveries for a fee or other compensation. Nevertheless, they sometimes disclose the source of their zero-day discoveries.
The motives of these hackers vary from money to revenge on governments, companies, or their family members. They may also want to spread a political message or promote their brand, sabotage pipelines, and other corporate structures. They also seek a challenge by hacking for the thrill of breaking into complicated, secure infrastructures.
Hacktivists are individuals or groups that support a specific cause. These causes range from political or religious beliefs to the protection of social rights. They may also be concerned with particular industry issues. For example, hackers who support a cause related to the environment might attack the Web sites and infrastructure of logging companies.
These types of hackers may also help the government spy on other countries. This information helps the nation be prepared for potential threats that might occur.
Generally, hacktivists aim to expose government injustices and other forms of unfairness. They often use doxing and DDoS attacks to accomplish their goals. They may also publish their findings on a site like WikiLeaks, similar to RECAP (PACER spelled backward), and push a freedom of information agenda.
Cryptojackers use malware to steal computer resources to mine cryptocurrencies. They target endpoint users by delivering malicious emails with crypto-jacking scripts that infect devices and install crypto-mining software. Once infected, a machine mines cryptocurrency for the hacker without the user’s knowledge or consent.
Some gray hat hackers are motivated by profit or fame. They may seek employment with a company but have hidden intent to damage its reputation or expose confidential information. Others are self-trainers who hack their systems for fun and benefit from circumventing challenging security protocols.
A small number of hackers are state or nation-sponsored. These hackers are often white hats who work to improve national cybersecurity, but some engage in black hat tactics. For example, the hacking group is believed to have hacked into private international networks on behalf of the Russian government.
State-Sponsored Hackers
As the cyber threat landscape shifts, it’s essential to know your enemy. Understanding a hacker’s motivations, methods, and goals helps you proactively fight against these cyber criminals and mitigate attacks against your organization.
Nation-sponsored hackers operate more strategically than regular cybercriminals, making them more challenging to stop. They typically use advanced tactics and stealth malware to achieve their goals, including stealing data, disrupting operations, espionage, and extorting funds.
This type of hacking is most often attributed to rogue states, such as Russia, Iran, North Korea, and China. The most dangerous state-backed hacker groups are the ones that target critical infrastructure such as ports, power plants, and energy utilities, as well as higher education, healthcare systems, and supply chains that could ultimately lead to government agencies. These attackers are also likely to launch targeted attacks against dissidents, political opponents, and organizations that promote a particular ideology.